The One with the Trip to Fursa & the Little Fyunka

This blog post is going to seem a little convoluted, maybe even confusing. Trust me, it was a whirlwind of a day for me as well. My brother and I both decided to change our schedules, because all we’ve done since summer started is sleep all day and stay up all night. We, being the geniuses that we are, decided to stay up for 27-hours so we could switch it around.

To make sure that happened we stayed out of the house all day…because I swear to you guys if I was anywhere near a bed I would have fallen asleep in seconds.

Perhaps me driving was a bad idea….

But hey…here’s ! 

Isn’t this light fixture amazing? All feathers!

The door of awesomeness

After Fursa was a quick pitstop for a photo shoot (much to my brother’s delight…it’s hot as hell out in Kuwait but hey, outfits need photos y’all…)

My face does this without sunglasses…so attractive…

Signs call to me…I love them…

I can always be seen with a water bottle in the summer

We then stopped at Milk Khana in Salmiya for some tea with cardamom…so good! Highly recommend it!

And last, but certainly not least, my beautiful gift from ! Thank you so much!

Outfit deets:

Jeans: H&M
Shirt: H&M
Shoes: Shoebox NY
Scarf: Zara
Necklace: DIY
Bag: Experiment 1

7 replies
  1. On Her List

    I looooooove ur blog I seriously doo
    U guys have the best shops n Kuwait
    I can tell from all these posts

  2. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    totally agree with the above comments. btw, I came across this other blog by a beautiful Muslimah (m’A). I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but she takes pics like you do, poses like you do, does henna stains like you do, and now has even started titling her posts like you do (“the one with…”). Cringe-worthy, I tell ya! She’s so pretty and has so much potential; just wish she knew the difference between inspiration and total plagiarism!


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