The One Where True Love Died in ’96

If you follow me on Instagram or on then you’ve heard by now how much I LOVE my henna dipped hands. That’s what I’m calling it. It needs a cool name. I’ve gotten really mixed reactions on it though. It’s one of those “you either love it or hate it type things.” Perhaps the funniest comment is that it looks like I have gangrene. Made me laugh! Everyone is entitled to their opinion on it. Freedom of artistic expression I always say! What do you guys think? Would it be something you’d be willing to try out? YOLO and all that jazz!

I wore this outfit to my friend Zoe’s graduation, so I shout out is most definitely necessary: CONGRATULATIONS BEAUTIFUL GRADUATE!

 P.S: I didn’t wear these heels. They look funny in the photos. I ended up in flats because I’m a lazy bum who can’t be bothered to be fancy.

Skirt: Vintage
Shirt: No brand
Feather collar: Twenty/Ten by AKF
Shoes: Nicholas Kirkwood
Cuffs: Topshop
Armor ring: Topshop
Black ring: Gift
Charm Bracelet: Thomas Sabo

P.P.S: The song lyrics in my title are from “The Last Song” by Iggy Azelea. I’m currently obsessing over it. I posted the song below because I’m trying to be an awesome blogger yo.

31 replies
  1. Arwa - LaMereCulinaire

    We call this style of henna: ruwayeb.
    You say i have henna on my ruwayeb.

    You definately have them extra long though!
    You’ll set a trend! :p

    • AKF

      21st century ruwayeb rocking! We’ll see if the trend catches on. If it doesn’t we’ll call it a successful social experiment haha

  2. Tanja Ayesha

    I love it Ascia – I knew you would rock the henna dip dye fingers. I normally do this with red henna, but the black ink is so much cooler. It just take a long time before it fades and go away…
    I love each and every pic – love the collar you did.

    • AKF

      Thank you! You’re such an amazing supportive bloggerista! I’m actually quite worried about the fading! I’m afraid I’ll look diseased at my university graduation at the end of this month. I HOPE IT FADES FASSSSSST!

  3. Lost

    where did you do your 7enna? does the color change to brownish/orangish after a while?

    • AKF

      I just went to a random Arabic salon. It fades to a brown/purple relatively quickly actually. It doesn’t look too bad!

  4. Miss Ghesquiere

    i feel so on top of it. i blogged about you a zillion years ago when you were on lookbook. anyway. YES! Michelle Lamy was the forst person I thought of when i saw your hands. props. its mad cool.

    • AKF

      Haha! You’re incredibly ahead of the game but I wouldn’t have a blog if it weren’t for early supporters like you! Thank you so much <3

  5. Tanja Ayesha

    I tried to do this henna dip dye, not on my nails though, and I think it looks badass. People are asking a lot of questions though. Haven’t met anyone who really likes it – but I do:)
    check out my pics of it at
    lots of love

  6. BoomBoom

    I LOVE YOUR STYLE <3 I saw you at the graduation partyy .. I was coming to tell you how pretty you are ..

    • AKF

      YOU’RE SO SWEET! Thank you so much! What a small world, ha? Mabrook to whoever graduated that you know <3

  7. ••❤MingMing❤••

    Very interesting outfits! But why do you always have the turban on? Is it a kind of artistic form of expressing Yourself?

  8. leena Haddad
    leena Haddad says:

    I love every thing plus the Tragus piercing ive got one done aswel and I’m loving it :) xx

  9. Seda
    Seda says:

    U are so beautiful, Mashallah☺
    my question is, how do you make your turban? I try that, but it’s not so easy, because my hair is to long :/ maybe u can give me some tips :)) thanks

  10. butoul
    butoul says:

    You’re such a cutie ascia, love how ur always simple and elegant , looking forward to see that new baby to come I bet he/she looks as beautiful as his/her mama , wish u luck !

  11. Nigina
    Nigina says:

    It would be so nice if you post about how you cute couple met each other and how it all went. I really adore following you on instagram and reading your blog that’s why I have a deep interest to you and your lifestyle

  12. Sameera2112
    Sameera2112 says:

    I love the Henna dipped hands :-) Thanks for being so fabulous and the most awesome hijab, fashion icon xoxo


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